Weather in Saalbach


Check out our webcam and build up the anticipation before your holiday in Saalbach-Hinterglemm. With the aid of our webcam and the weather report, you can get instant access to current information about your holiday in our region.

Webcam & Weather

Family fun

Countless opportunities in the “Valley of Games” with Montelino’s experience trail, the Kodok mountain adventure trail, the Märchenwald enchanted forest, the medicinal herbs trail, rafting, canyoning, canoeing, kayaking, archery and paragliding.

Family Holidays

Winter holidays

Winter holidays mean: Dreamlike, and above-all snow-sure, pistes in Saalbach-Hinterglemm, lots of sun and top-class skiing enjoyment for the whole family.

Winter Holidays

Summer holidays

Whether you’re looking for an active holiday, a relaxing holiday or a family holiday, during your summer holiday in Saalbach-Hinterglemm you will enjoy an unforgettable and restful experience, whatever the circumstances.

Summer Holidays


Pension Wallner
Oberdorf 153
A-5753 Saalbach

Telephone: +43 676 970 8840


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